
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Where does the time go.....

Already at the May long weekend here!  The time has flown so fast it seems. My Dad has only 9 more days of work left then he is officially retired.  He is then moving down to Langley, to his wonderful suite at my sister's house, which is right down the road from my little rental suite too.

I haven't updated much and won't be for a bit due to lack of internet/cable at home.  After being unemployed and job hunting for much longer than I had anticipated, it has been hard to play catch up with all my bills and keep food on the table. So unfortunately I could only catch up on the cell phone bills this month :( But I need that more for work than anything else as I have to call in the minute I arrive at a store to start my merchandising.  It's very difficult not having internet as I use my computer for so many aspects of my life, my art class I just signed up for, sharing my cards that I try to sell to help make ends meet, my photography stuff. It's so strange how dependent so many things I love are on the internet. But it has brought me into contact with so many amazing artists and people that I am very grateful for that.

I am working now and have pretty good hours, but trying to catch up on my bills when so many other things need my money is stressful. I also need a more reliable car as my job is dependent on my having a vehicle as well. I merchandise books and mags in a number of different stores and need to be able to get to all of them. So that adds to my list of stressful things, also I'd really like to be able to afford a new bed lol I am getting too old to sleep on a too short (even for me!) love seat or an air mattress. But all things in time and I know that things are getting better slowly, it's just frustrating to keep struggling right now.

Not too many adventures lately as my son has been working overtime, which is great for him. So hopefully next week end we get to get out and do something. I enjoy the Sunday afternoons with my grown kids, it's nice to just get out and see something new and spend some time just being together, not talking about bills, rent, jobs etc.

I made some cards this week for a card exchange I'm in.
 Also had a nice Mother's Day with my kids and then dinner at my sister's house. It was the first one without my Mom so some moments were making me teary and the weeks up to Mother's Day had me emotional as well as I saw all the Mother's Day ads and cards and everyone getting cards etc. I know it's only the first one but was so sad not making a interesting new project to give my Mom for her special day and making her a card etc.

But my kids were good to me, my daughter made me a card using some of my fave things, purple, flip flops and Mickey Mouse :)

Beautiful flowers from my son. He was up early and went out and got me all the purple flowers the store he was at had, then came home woke me up and put on the coffee :)

The month has been going by so quickly, yet at times has felt like it was dragging. I miss having my internet, the cable not as much as I thought, except missing all the season finales of my fave shows lol
I brought my laptop and printer down to my sister's to use her internet to download and print all my work plano's and info that I needed, so thought I'd use the time to update here too! Hopefully I won't be gone too long and will update when I can, I am hoping to get everything back up soon so I can really make a good informative daily blog post about artists, classes, supplies and really get into my classes etc.

Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week!! :)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Hello May.....

Wow! Another month has wrapped up and May has begun. Time seems to be flying, yet going by so slowly all at the same time.
The last few months have been full of changes, big and small, good and bad, ups and downs. I am grateful for so many things, but mostly just for being closer to my family, especially my little nephews.
So last weekend, my kids and I, ventured out to a British Car Show out in Fort Langley, BC.  There were some really cool cars out there, loved the really vintage looking ones. And the double decker bus was very cool to see. My daughter got up and wandered up to the top but I missed out on that part, I was busy taking pictures as usual! :)

Got a lot of shots of the great little MGB's a few different styles. It's my Dad's dream car, I remember him talking about having a MGB one day. Maybe now that he's retiring it might be something he can look into, having a project to work on would be fun for him I think.

So I am attempting to blog every day this month. Last month I was not very successful with it but I am going to give it a try again. I'm Blogging Along with Effy Wild, she is such an inspiration and you should really check out her blog and her art. So amazing!!

I haven't had much time for creating and making :( But I hope I get some more time on the weekend, I just wish I wasn't so tired after work (merchandising books and magazines), sounds simple I know, but hauling all those boxes and bundles around all day sure takes its toll fast!! Especially the magazines! I am very grateful for the job (after job hunting for months) but wow, much more physical than I thought it would be.

Well off for the night, see you all tomorrow. Have a wonderful Friday everyone!!